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shrine to extended possibilities

In our grief work, we came to understand that our brothers remain present in our lives. We consider the moments in which they continue to walk with us, and we note how their gentle suggestions for how to live continue to be spoken.

Shrine to extended possibilities maps the material objects that represent a spiritual presence/present and considers that a brother-sister bond might remain unbroken beyond death. It invites viewers to consider how their own loved ones’ messages might continue to resonate.

2018 Equinox Vigil

Equinox Vigil photos by Monique de St. Croix and Aran Wilkinson-Blanc

 2018. Coins, photographs, banner flags, stuffed Seuss doll, feathers, button down shirt, buttons, cigarette box, scrap paper, wood block, necklace, guitar pick, jute twine, paint. Wooden shadow box. 15 x 14.5 x 8 inches. 2018 Equinox Vigil. Union Ce

2018. Coins, photographs, banner flags, stuffed Seuss doll, feathers, button down shirt, buttons, cigarette box, scrap paper, wood block, necklace, guitar pick, jute twine, paint. Wooden shadow box. 15 x 14.5 x 8 inches. 2018 Equinox Vigil. Union Cemetery, Calgary, AB. 21 September, 2018.

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